Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Breast Milk .... Cheese?

As I'm watching this weeks episode of 90210 (2.0) I am also catching up on last weeks People Magazine ... I know, I know, a few days late as its usually my weekend read ... but I was too busy basking in the glory of Long Islands wine country to check my mail back home ...

ANYWAY ... there is an article that caught me a little bit off guard...NYC chef Daniel Angerer made cheese out of his fiancee's breast milk. She apparently makes an overabundance and they simply ran out of freezer space for it, so out of sheer curiosity he made some cheese, why not!

Now, I like cheese....a lot...but something seems so wrong with that. Part of me wants to try it, but another part is totally grossed out by it. If I can eat cheese (and lots of it) from animals such as sheep, cow and goat ... why can't I eat cheese from made from a human ...

alas, the article states that according to a NYC Health Dept rep "breast milk is not intended for adults or for wide public consumption"

fair enough .... thoughts?



  1. ummm yeah, that grosses me out. but maybe they're on to something? perhaps salma hayek could offer her supply to produce cheese for the starving orphans she fed before. spread the love, salma.

  2. haha yes, not only can she feed starving babies, but she can feed us too! BONUS!
