Monday, April 5, 2010

Pet Peeves ...

I have been having a bit of inspiration trouble regarding blog posts's not exactly as easy as I thought it would be ... but I had some time to think this morning as I was getting my weekly manicure .... that I would do a blog post about pet peeves...

1) unpolished toe nails on a girl ... ladies,feet don't have to be ugly - pretty them up!

2) even worse than unpolished toe nails, CHIPPPED polish on toes or fingers....if it's chipping, RUN, don't walk to your nearest salon to have them re-done or at the very least, remove it altogether...

3) walking into a kitchen and having cupboard doors open ... even slightly ajar totally irks me .... if you open it, CLOSE IT

4) clutter ... piles of things everywhere ... yikes!

5) people who own dogs BUT think their dog is the center of the world. part 1.
I don't mind people who own dogs, but when that dog rules the roost, that's where I find issue. I ALSO can't stand it when a walk into a home and said dog comes directly towards me...and starts sniffing my lady bits .... gross, THEN the owner inevitably says .. isn't so and so soooo cute! no, not at all actually.

5) people who own dogs. part 2
When I walk into someone's home and their dog starts growling/barking at me ... irritating - even worse, is when said dog owner goes, "ooh, just pet him. then he'll settle down" first of all, no I don't want to touch your dog at ALL, let alone when it's about to viciously attack me with those scary canine fangs and drooly mouth!

Human's have canine fangs as well ... and they are the set of teeth that allow us to tear through meat and chew through hard things ... I do not want to be anywhere near your dog when those flesh rippers are showing!

I think that's it for now ... I'll keep the list going as more come to me ...



  1. --Should I be offended by this post? - SCS

  2. Hey dude...

    what about the 4th toe being longer than the big one?

    I absolutely hate it... total deal braker
